
Cockroaches are a pest which many people have come to loath. Although there are more than 4,500 species of cockroaches in the world, only a few of these species tend to take up habitat in human homes. The four primary species of cockroaches which are commonly found in homes in the United States are the German cockroach, the American cockroach, the oriental cockroach and the smoky brown cockroach. Of these four species, the two most common species to plague our homes are the Germen and American cockroach. Although both of these species of cockroaches have the ability to fly, they will typically choose to run from danger when threatened.
Cockroaches are invertebrates which can come in a wide variety of colors although they are not able to be albino due to popular belief due to the fact that they lack melanin. The reason why many people believe that cockroaches come in an albino variety id due to the way in which they grow. In order for a cockroach to grow they must shed their exoskeleton so that their soft bodies are able to grow and expand. During this process the body may appear clear or translucent until the new exoskeleton has formed. This process typically takes about eight hours for the process to complete.
    Cockroaches are one of the oldest known insects due to the fact that they are highly adaptable creatures. Because they have the ability to adapt to their environment and will alter their diet in accordance to what is available, these creatures are very resilient pests. The primary food source for cockroaches is foods which are sweet or starchy as well as meat products, grease, cheese, leather glue, book bindings or even flakes of dead skin and decaying plant or animal material. These pests prefer warm and moist environments and tend to hide during the daylight hours typically only coming out for food or water in the evening hours. If cockroaches are seen during the daytime hours, it is an indication of a large presence of these pesky pests.
    Although cockroaches tend to live in groups, they are not considered a social insect such as termites, ants, wasps or bees. Most cockroaches are individualistic creatures and tend to forage on their own for food and water. Because these pests are known to hide in small crevices and cracks they tend to find their way inside homes by hitching a ride within a small crack or crevice on an item which is brought into the home.  Cockroaches are often able to be detected by their feces as well as damage which they may do to paper materials which they feed of off such as the glue on stamps, book bindings and wallpaper. Some cockroaches are native to specific areas such as the American cockroach which is predominately found in the Midwest regions of the US. For this reason, a pest control expert may be able to determine the type of cockroach you are dealing with based on the region where you reside.

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