
In order to effectively control fleas it is essential that you understand the fleas life cycle so that you can effectively treat your pets, home and yard simultaneously in a way which will disrupt this life cycle and prevent further adult fleas from hatching. Because flea eggs are smooth, they typically will slide off of the pet and into the environment where the pet spends the most time within eight hours of being laid by an adult flea. For this reason, the area of the home where pets spend the most time most be treated in order to effectively control and eliminate fleas because this is the area where most of the flea’s eggs will be present. Therefore, you need to eliminate already emerged adult fleas and prevent the life cycle development of the eggs and larvae in order to disrupt the fleas life cycle and put an end to this viscous cycle.
Obviously, treating the pets in the home is an essential part of controlling fleas and should be done right away. If you see one or two fleas on the pet, chances are there are hundreds of eggs and larvae in the environment where they spend most of their time as well. Simple soap and water can sometimes be effective, as can pesticide shampoos which are designed to kill fleas on pets; however, keep in mind that most of these shampoos are not able to penetrate the eggs or disrupt the life cycle of the un-hatched fleas. Flea dips are also an effective way to treat a pet and quickly ensure that the live fleas are eliminated. Flea sprays which contain d-limonene are effective at treating live fleas as well as flea eggs and larvae which they come in contact with. For this reason, this is also an effective treatment method for treating bedding and other items which the pet comes into contact with frequently.
A common treatment which is known to effectively control fleas is Frontline which is applied to the base of the neck to the shoulder blades and forms a coating over the skin which is able to penetrate the subcutaneous far layer and kill fleas which come into contact with these chemicals. These treatments should be reapplied every 30 days to continue to effectively control fleas. Treating the home for fleas and controlling the infestation of future life cycles can be somewhat tricky and it will be necessary for you to monitor your pet in order to determine the areas where they spend most of their time. Anything which can be washed in the washing machine should be washed in hot water and all rugs will need to be vacuumed thoroughly and steam cleaned as well.
Frequently vacuuming the carpets is going to remove many of the flea eggs and larvae and can also help to stimulate the adult fleas to come out of their cocoons sooner allowing you to effectively kill of the newly cycled fleas as well. Insecticides which are used on carpets and furniture should be used right after vacuuming when the fleas are at the surface and more susceptible to the active ingredients found in these treatments. Also, if your pet spends time outdoors then it is crucial that you also treat your yard and other outdoor areas where your pet frequently visits. When treating the yard pay the most attention to areas which are shaded and have high moisture content such as yard clippings and other yard waste. Fleas typically do not thrive in areas which receive direct sunlight.

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